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Energy Procurement, Electric Procurement, Natural Gas Procurement, Electric Suppliers, Natural Gas Suppliers
Energy Procurement, Electric Procurement, Natural Gas Procurement, Electric Suppliers, Natural Gas Suppliers
Energy Procurement, Electric Procurement, Natural Gas Procurement, Electric Suppliers, Natural Gas Suppliers
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Energy Procurement, Electric Procurement, Natural Gas Procurement, Electric Suppliers, Natural Gas Suppliers
Energy Procurement, Electric Procurement, Natural Gas Procurement, Electric Suppliers, Natural Gas Suppliers
Energy Procurement, Electric Procurement, Natural Gas Procurement, Electric Suppliers, Natural Gas Suppliers
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(Electric only)
Organization name on Bill:*
*Comparison report will include
6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 month terms
Est. Annual Usage:
(DTH, MCF, or CCF)
*Comparison report will include 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 month terms
Email/Fax Us Your Bills!
(Gas or Electric)
Fax us your bill copies with a cover letter that has your Name, Phone, and Email, and we will send pricing to you!
Email us your bill copies or spread sheet with each account's information!
Will any of the accounts listed below be under a different tax identification number? *
Organization name on Bill:*
Once you submit your energy information, we will email you a rate comparison chart. If you would like to move forward with any of the rates provided, we will verify and confirm that the information you entered is accurate and includes all of the accounts!
National Energy's Accuracy Double-Check!
Will any of the accounts listed below be under a different tax identification number?
Energy Procurement, Electric Procurement, Natural Gas Procurement, Electric Suppliers, Natural Gas Suppliers
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* I represent and warrant that I am authorized by the Company/Customer identified on the form to request that National Energy obtain energy rates on their behalf with no obligations.
*Comparison report will include 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 month terms