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Comparison report will include 
6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 month terms
You may use our instant fill-out feature to input up to 3 different account numbers from any utility provider!  In about 30-60 minutes you will receive an email with the lowest suppliers rate. If you would like to move forward with the rate, we will prepare and complete the supplier's agreement for you to review and sign.  If your area does not have instant quotes, we will notify you and perform a custom quote.  No risk! No Obligation! 
Email us your bill copies or a spread sheet with each account's information!     
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Fax us your bill copies with a cover letter that has your Name, Phone, and Email, and we will send pricing to you! 
We Offer 3 Ways to Upload Your Information!
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Step 2 of 3
​Once you submit your energy information, we will email you a rate comparison chart.​If you would like to move forward with any of the rates provided, we will verify and confirm that the information you entered is accurate and includes all accounts.
National Energy's Accuracy Double-Check!
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(Electric & Gas)
All Rights Reserved by National Energy, LLC 2012 1.800.687.1968
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Instant Fill-out Form!
Instant Bill Upload!
Traditional (Email or Fax)
Upload your bills in a .pdf format, and they will be directly sent to our auditing team. In about 30-60 minutes you will receive an email with the lowest suppliers rate. If you would like to move forward with the rate, we will prepare and complete the supplier's agreement for you to review and sign.  If your area does not have instant quotes, we will notify you and perform a custom quote.  No risk! No Obligation! 
You may also email or fax your bills in to our auditing team! Please be sure to include your email address, name, and phone number. In about 30-60 minutes you will receive an email with the lowest suppliers rate. If you would like to move forward with the rate, we will prepare and complete the supplier's agreement for you to review and sign.  If your area does not have instant quotes, we will notify you and perform a custom quote.  No risk! No Obligation! 

Ask us below and we will have a representative respond instantly! 
Or Call 1.800.687.1968

(Electric & Gas)
(Electric only)
(Electric & Gas Rates Only)
Have a Question?

*Organization Name on Bill:
*Anticipated Start Date:
*State, Utility, Rate Schedule/Zone:
*Main Billing Address:
*Phone number:
*Annual Est. kWh Usage:
Click submit once finished. 
Use our Instant Fill-out form!
(Electric Rates Only)
*Full Name:
*Company Position:
*Service Address:
I represent and warrant that I am authorized by the Company/Customer identified on the form to request that National Energy obtain energy rates on their behalf with no obligations.
*Account #1:
Comparison report will include 
6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 month terms
Anticipated Start Date:
State, Utility, Rate Schedule/Zone:
Annual Est. kWh Usage:
Service Address:
Account #3:
Comparison report will include 
6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 month terms
Instant Upload

Instant Upload

  • Full Name*
  • Email Address*
  • Phone Number*
  • Total # of Accounts*
  • File Upload*
    .PDF format only!
  • Security Code*



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